Let's take your restaurant
to the next level
Finnish EatPass
combines digital stamp cards,
customer feedback collection
and promotional campaigns.
Benefits for regular customers
Marketing tool
Feedback channel

Reward loyal customers and collect more feedback
The digital stamp card is a modern way to reward customers and invite them to improve their business. The stamp card is easy to use and stamps can be collected by scanning a QR code from the restaurant’s brochure. When a restaurant’s stamp card is filled, the customer is guided to a reward designed by the restaurant. Win-Win! No action is required by staff to use the stamp card and in future your customers will not have to carry around impractical stamp cards.
- An easy-to-use digital stamp card for your customers.
- Easy and quick to set up, no integrations! (5-10min.)
- Get feedback in return for all full stamp cards.
- Stamp collection requires no action from staff.
- The number of stamps and the reward is completely up to you.
More power for campaigns
With EatPass, you can increase the visibility of your restaurant and acquire new customers by launching promotional campaigns. New promotions are published in the EatPass app, as well as on the Eat.fi website. The visibility of the campaign is further boosted by notifications that reach your restaurant’s potential customers immediately.
Marketing in a nutshell:
- An easy-to-use tool for creating promotional campaigns.
- A simple tool to help you create promotional campaigns.
- Notification of new offers sent to end-users on a regional basis.
- Promotional campaigns gain additional visibility on the Eat.fi website.
- Promotions and stamp card information will be promoted on our social media channels.
- Promotions and stamp card information will be promoted in flyers distributed to end-users.

Listen to your customers
and improve your operations
EatPass makes it easy for customers to give feedback and ideas for improvement, while keeping the threshold low. EatPass is a private feedback channel between you and your customers, so social media rage doesn’t fit into the picture at all. As a special feature of EatPass, customers can even give feedback on a per-portion basis! Communicating with customers and analysing feedback is easily done on the restaurant’s extranet site.

- Asiakkaat voivat lähettää kehitysideoita ja palautetta yksityisesti.
- Yksityinen keskustelu asiakkaiden kanssa.
- Sähköpostihälytykset negatiivista palautteista (optionaalinen).
- Annoskohtainen palaute.
- Palautetta vastineeksi täysistä leimakorteista.
- ”Anna palautetta myöhemmin” -notifikaatiot
- #Trendisanat ruuasta ja palvelusta.
- Reaaliaikainen palautteiden seuranta.
*Numeraaliset arvot ja trendisanat ovat käyttäjien nähtävillä, mutta vapaaseen tekstikenttään kirjoitetut palautteet ja kehitysideat ovat yksityisiä.
*Numeric values and trend words are visible to users, but feedback and development ideas written in the free text field are private.
Quick set-up, no interference (5-10 min.)
EatPass is extremely simple to set up and does not need to be integrated with existing systems. Register, set up your stamp card details and offers, and place the EatPass brochure in a prominent location. Done!
Low campaign price €50/month/restaurant (+VAT)
The EatPass service is priced so that all restaurateurs have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of digitalisation, regardless of the size of their operation. For a limited period, €50/month/restaurant (normally €75/month/restaurant).
Continuous customer-oriented product development
The EatPass service is constantly being developed with a keen ear for customers and end-users. The aim is to maximise the benefits and user experience of the service for all parties involved.